Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Lila Grace

About two summers ago, when I was down deep in the dark hole, a kitten appeared in my back yard. We have a problem with ferrel cats in my neighborhood. The neighborhood newsletter always proudly announces how many cats the cat catcher rounded up. I'm always sad to read about the cats. We had just lost a cat so I decided to try to tame this little kitten. I was pretty bad off at the time. I know this because I was starting to get my affairs in order. My husband and I had separate banks accounts because this is a second marriage for both of us. I told him I wanted to put his name on my accounts "just in case." I didn't tell him how bad I was feeling. I started thinking about a will, but I know the laws of intestate succession in my state. My assets, should I have died, would go to my husband and my parents.

So, in this state of mind, I walked to the edge of the property along the fence line with some cat food in hand. I lay down on the ground with my arm stretched out on the ground before me. I rested my head on the ground turned to the side. The mosquitoes and gnats that buzzed around my head were biting but I tried to be very, very still. I waited patiently in this position until I could sense the kitten drawing near. Then, OUCH. The little kitten chomped down on my finger with sharp teeth. I jumped and the kitten ran. It would be a several weeks before she got that close to me again. I went out twice a day every day. I sat at the property line and tossed food in the direction of the kitten. I tossed food closer and closer to me as the kitten became more and more accustomed to me. I loved watching the trust build. Soon she was running out to greet me each morning. I remember the first time she let me touch her belly and the first time she let me carry her into the house.

I feel like she saved my life. Something needing me gave me a reason to hang on. She is now fully tamed and a member of our family. We named her Lila. We added the Grace because she proved herself to be somewhat of a klutz and because it is fashionable for a Southern cat to sport two first names.


  1. That was a beautiful story. It brought tears to my eyes.
    Hope you are having a relaxing night. I left a comment under blog from your question you asked me.


  2. Lila Grace sounds like an amazin' grace to me! Just enough love, just in time…
